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Dr. Ray N. Tharp Ph. D, earned degrees from Louisiana Baptist University, Shreveport, LA., Grayson County College, Southeastern OK. State University, Durant OK., East Texas State University, Commerce TX., Temple Baptist Theological Seminary, Chattanooga, TN., Pastored Baptist Churches since 1965 and served 12 years as Missionary Director in Smith CO., TX. with Child Evangelism Fellowship, and has completed over fifty years in the ministry.
Our Statement of Faith
We believe that every word of the original writings of the Bible is inspired of God and is without error; that God eternally exists in three Persons (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and these three are one God; in the Genesis record of creation; in the original sin of mankind through Adam; that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; that the wages of sin is death; that the Lord Jesus Christ provides redemption through His incarnation, sinless life and substitutionary death; that salvation is by God's grace, and is received by faith alone in Christ, who died for our sins and was bodily raised from the grave in victory over death; that every true believer is promised positional, progressive and ultimate sanctification; that all who are born of the Spirit are eternally secure in Christ; the Holy Spirit regenerates, indwells, baptizes and seals all true believers in Christ and fills those who are yielded to God; the Church, composed of all true believers in this age, is the body and bride of Christ; Christians are called to a holy life of service and testimony in the power of the Holy Spirit; the Biblical ordinance of baptism by immersion, which pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Christ; the Biblical ordinance of the Lord's Supper is for the baptized members of the local church; the imminent return of Christ for His own, which is the blessed hope of the Church, will precede the judgment of the great tribulation and the blessing of the Millennial Kingdom, and should motivate every believer to holy living, active service, and personal evangelism of the lost.